Case Study:
SEO, Google Ads and Social Media
Industry:Land Industries
Salita Estate

Salita Estate is a new boutique land estate in the Perth highly sought after suburb of Landsdale, Perth. Salita Estate is well-connected in the suburb of Landsdale to local attractions, schools, shops and Parks and Recreation.
They were selling land lots and House and Land packages to residents and investors across Perth and Western Australia.
Salita had to generate brand awareness and position itself as a boutique estate across the Landsdale and Perth area. They had 84 land lots available for purchase across the Estate and needed to find buyers and investors for each lot.
Salita needed to highlight the many benefits of living the Salita lifestyle to potential buyers and reach as many consumers looking for Real Estate in the area. Salita released land lots in four Stages and offered promotional extras for each Stage which needed to be communicated to potential buyers.
The objective for Salita Estate as to sell all 84 of the Estate’s land lots and increase sales of house and land packages. Creating brand awareness and brand equity as a boutique Estate was essential to building the brand of Salita.

Google Ads – impression share for targeted keywords from 31% up to a high 60% for targeted keywords YoY

An integrated digital marketing campaign was created for Salita covering all aspects of Google Ads, Social Media strategies, remarketing and SEO based keyword targeting for the Land For Sale in the Landsdale and Perth area.
Utilising the skill set of a highly skilled web designers in Perth, the website was built to SEO technical specifications with content marketing strategies employed to optimise for essential SEO keywords related to ‘Land For Sale in Landsdale.
This allowed for the target market to be reached organically through SEO channels in Perth. The Conversion rate for SEO channels increased to a high 14.80%. Organic traffic increased by 600% in 3 months closing out the Stage 4 sales of land.
Google Ads
Google Ads Search campaigns were set up by Blackbox’s Google Ads experts. This included targeting to the local Landsdale area, as well as a Perth wide audience. Highly competitive Real Estate related keywords such as “Land For Sale Perth” were targeted within the campaign.
Blackbox were able to achieve a high impression share, producing a Click Thru Rate of a high 9%. With refining of the campaign, the Average Cost Per Click for highly competitive ‘Land For Sale’ keywords in Perth dropped to $0.82.
Enquiries and Brochure downloads also rose substantially, with the Conversion Rate sitting at a high 10.37% which was up from 0.09% YoY. Impression share for Competitor Terms increased to 91.53% which demonstrated the high visibility for Salita for users searching for competing Estates in the area.
Google Ads remarketing strategies were employed to retarget to potential customers who had visited the Salita website and browsed the offerings.
Blackbox’s graphic design team in Perth created targeted messaging, highlighting the key selling points of living at Salita and each Stage was presented with unique messaging.
Social Media Marketing
Targeted Social Media artwork was created by Blackbox’s design graphic designers in Perth. The social media marketing focused on Facebook and Instagram and targeted Users looking for Real Estate and Land in the Landsdale area.
The Social Media Marketing campaign was able to achieve a total of 8,360 link clicks with a Reach of 317,452 across the lifetime of the campaign.
Brand campaigns generated high impressions as a result of the integrated marketing approach which indicated a rapid increase in brand awareness for Salita Estate in the local Perth area.
Salita have now sold all 84 lots from Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4 within the Estate which was a huge success for the digital marketing strategy, including the SEO, Social, GDN and SEM Google Ads campaigns.